Creative Hub

The Unicorn places children at the centre of our work, inviting them to become our collaborators. We give children their first encounters of theatre as makers.

Creative Hub connects Unicorn artists and facilitators with children aged 0 – 13 years and together they develop Unicorn productions, influencing and shaping the work on our stages.

We support schools through bespoke partnership programmes to deliver creative approaches to learning, work with families local to the Unicorn, and invite children and young people into the research, development and delivery of our shows wherever possible. We create activities for our audiences and ensures that those living closest to the theatre have access to Unicorn productions through our Local Funded Tickets scheme.

With a focus on those who live locally, we connect with partners across our three nearest boroughs: Lambeth, Southwark and Tower Hamlets. If you are in these areas and would like to contact us please email