The Team
The Team
All the work we do is made possible by our full team here at the Unicorn, along with our Board and Creative Champions.
Royal Patron
Her Majesty The Queen
Creative Champions
Dame Susie Sainsbury, Honorary President of the Creative Champions
Justin Audibert, Artistic Director, Chichester Festival Theatre
Malorie Blackman OBE, Writer & former Children's Laureate
Lolita Chakrabarti OBE, Actor & Writer
Dame Julia Cleverdon, Business and Charity Executive
Joseph Coelho OBE, Poet & former Waterstones Children's Laureate
Joanna David, Actress & Patron
Dame Judi Dench, Actress
Giles Havergal CBE, Patron
David Isaacs, Patron
Rory Kinnear, Actor
Jude Law, Actor & Producer
Kate Pakenham, Producer, Executive & Creative Consultant
Colin Simon, Former Business Director & Trustee
Nizam Uddin OBE, Chief Strategy Officer at Algbra
Board of Directors
Dr Vanessa Ogden CBE (Chair)
Ros Brooke-Taylor
Dominic Griffiths
Axa Hynes
Musonda Kapotwe
Bijan Sheibani
Patrick Sherrington
Piers Torday
Jean Tsang
Susan E. Walton
0207 645 0500 | stagedoor@unicorntheatre.com
Artistic Director Rachel Bagshaw
Executive Director Rebekah Jones
Associate Director Robin Belfield
020 7645 0527 | development@unicorntheatre.com
Director of Development Lucy Buxton
Development Manager (Trusts and Foundations) Anna Lyttle
Development Manager (Individual Giving) Lily Easton
Development Assistant Juliette Moore
Senior Producer Katie Shahatit (maternity leave)
Senior Producer Lara Tysseling (maternity cover)
Interim Producer Mari Kondo
Creative Hub Director Georgia Dale
Creative Hub Producer (Schools) Shanti Sarkar
Creative Hub Producer Ross Wylie
Creative Hub Coordinator Cristal Cole
Finance Director Ida Karimi
Finance Manager Marianna Zicari
Finance Assistant Anastasia Gallan
020 7645 0567 | marketing@unicorntheatre.com
Director of Marketing and Communications Paola Pozzi
Marketing Manager Clare Bailey
Marketing Officer Zarah Yesufu
Audience Development Officer (Schools and Access) Chana Edwards
PR Agent Chloe Nelkin PR
Front of House Manager Laura Harris
Box Office Manager Rhys Evans
Deputy Manager (Front of House & Box Office) James Darby
Box Office Assistants Joel Oladapo, Shannon Fox, Amber De Ruyt, Hunter Manning, Joelle Carroll-Fitch, Hannah Akhalu, Isaura Barbe-Brown, Harriet Berry, Anita Brady, Gigi Downey
Performance Managers Robbie Burton-Moore, Alex Dowding, Daniel Gee, Alex Hinds, Nor Leinster, Jamie Maier, Neave Matthews
Senior Front of House Assistant Matt Newell
Front of House Assistants Jake Abbott, Renecia Allen, Kelvin Atmadibrata, Fatima Balogun, Reanna Bongo, Megan Brodie, Jennifer Brown, Lili Chin, Arabella Coldstream, Naomi Denny, Jackie Downer, Emily Haigh-Ellis, DJ Hassan, Rob Leach, Hannah Lindstedt, Eleanor Mack, Zara Mahoney, Mariana Macías Márquez, Ella McKeown, Emily McLean, Lily McNeill, Carole Mitchell, Phoebe Moore, Isoken Osunde, Robert Pearce, Louis Proud, Malika Quintyne, Tom Royal, Soline Smith, Henrietta Thomas, Isobel Tyrell, Isabel Vasquez Quiroz, Leora Wadler, Alicia Walker, Ben Wilson, Rob Wilson
020 7645 0500 | production@unicorntheatre.com
Technical and Production Director Ria Tubman
Technical Manager Stuart Burgess
Deputy Production ManagerAudrey Owusu-Frempong
Facilities Manager Jordan Langford
Company Stage Manager Debs Machin
Production Coordinator Kayleigh Alstin
Senior Technician Lewis Downham
Lead Sound Technician Kieran Dye
Lead Lighting Technician Sam Bernstein
General Manager Ella Becker
Assistant to the Artistic Director Beth Willmott
Stage Door Administrator Cinthia Alberdi
Stage Door Keepers Alice Hope Wilson, Ben Wilson, Bobby Wilkinson, Dot Alma, Frey Kwa Hawking, Jamie Maier, Julie Patten, Meg Brodie, Nathan QD, Rob Wilson, Tom Royal