School Trips

Tickets & how to book

To make a booking, please fill in this online booking form, or contact Chana at / 020 7645 0544.

We are happy to make a provisional booking for a week or so if you want to confirm things with your school before we issue an invoice: contact us at and let us know what you need.

Schools Prices

£11.50 per pupil for non-fee paying school
£14.50 per pupil for fee-paying schools
1 teacher free per 10 pupils booked

If you're unsure about pricing, do contact Chana and ask!

Offers and Support

Schools Save Tiers for 2024-25 season

Non-fee-paying schools booking over 100 tickets can access big discounts and additional free tickets.
Book 100+ pupils:
£9 tickets and 5 free tickets
Book 250+ pupils:
£8.50 tickets and 10 free tickets
Book 400+ pupils:
£8 tickets and 15 free tickets

You can use your free tickets on adults or on pupils. If you add more tickets to your order at a later date which tips you into a higher tier, any new tickets will be at the higher discounted price. Book tickets for our new season here.

Subsidised Tickets (for non-fee paying schools)
Thanks to The McGrath Trust we are able to offer support to state schools who are unable to visit us for financial reasons. We particularly seek out schools with high levels of pupil premium funding or free school meals, and schools looking to introduce their pupils and their families to theatre for the first time. Subsidy is offered on an ad hoc basis for certain shows throughout the year. Apply using our online form.

Payments and exchanges

Payment due dates
We set our payment due date for four weeks after the tickets have been reserved and the invoice sent to you, but we're open to if extensions need to be made to this - just talk to us about what you need.

Exchange and cancellation policy
Exchanges can be made to another performance time or date up to eight weeks in advance of the show date. If your school cannot attend a booking and you give us more than eight weeks' notice, we may be able to offer a credit note. If your school cannot attend and it is less than eight weeks to the date of the performance, we unfortunately cannot issue a refund, exchange or credit voucher. If the Unicorn cancels a performance for any reason then you are entitled to a full refund, exchange or credit note.

Plan your visit

The Unicorn is centrally located, just a short 5 - 10 minute walk from London Bridge station. Our address is:

Unicorn Theatre
147 Tooley Street
Southwark, London

Getting here

We recommend using TFL Journey Planner and advise that schools arrive around 30 minutes before the show starts to make use of the facilities, collect your group ticket and settle into your seats.

Free off-peak travel is available for school groups using the TFL network. For more information, see TFL.

Tube and train
Our nearest station is London Bridge. Follow the London Bridge Station / Tooley Street exit, walk down Tooley Street towards Tower Bridge and you'll find us on the left hand side - just after Brigade restaurant.

Coach drop off is available at The English Grounds at More London and near to the Shard, both of which are very nearby. Short stay coach parking options are available by Tower Hill and Tate Modern. For more coach driver information, see TFL.


Unfortunately, our foyer isn’t large enough for us to allow all school groups to eat lunch, but you are welcome to eat packed lunches if there is space on the day or if you’ve reserved space with us ahead of time. If it’s warm, there are plenty of outdoor spaces nearby at The Scoop or at Potters Fields with great views of the Thames and Tower Bridge.

Ice Creams and Ice Lollies

We offer a range of Pip Organic ice lollies and Simply Ice Cream ice creams for you to order in advance (at least two weeks before your visit to guarantee they'll be ready). You can select between flavours on our form.

We offer discounted prices for pre-orders of ice creams and ice lollies, which can be found below.

Ice Cream: (£3.95 each if purchased on day of visit):

Group of 25+ £3.50each
Group of 50+ £3.25 each
Group of 100+ £3.00 each

Available flavours:
Vanilla, Chocolate, Honeycomb, Vegan Strawberry, Vegan Mango

Ice lollies (£2.20 each if purchased on day of visit)

Group of 20+ £2.00 each
Group of 50+ £1.90 each
Group of 100+ £1.80 each

Available flavours:
Apple, Berry

Ice cream order form
| Nutritional information

Risk Assessments

Below are the forms for our Clore and Weston theatres:

Frequently asked questions

Can I reserve tickets?
We’re happy to reserve your tickets if you are booking more than 8 weeks in advance, or provisionally for a week before invoicing if you need to check things at your school!

What happens if we are running late?
Please contact our Box Office on 020 7645 0560 to let us know as soon as possible. We have strict latecomers policies and if you arrive late you may not be allowed into the auditorium. We understand the challenges of school travel so recommend arriving 30 minutes before the show starts to allow time for travel disruption and to use the facilities before settling into your seats.

What are the payment terms?
Payment must be received four weeks after the booking has been made.

What happens when we arrive?
An usher will check your e-ticket as you enter the building before directing you to a dedicated waiting space in the foyer. The auditorium usually opens 10 minutes before the show starts and seating is unreserved - our usher team will help your group to get settled in.

Do my pupils need to be quiet during the show?
We want your pupils to respond throughout the performance, which means we don’t mind at all if they are quite vocal or energetic. In fact, we actively encourage our audiences to laugh, respond, clap and cheer during our shows - we want to create a space that is different from school, where the normal rules are bent just that little bit. So please don’t feel your class has to watch the show in silence - in fact we encourage the opposite, and want them to feel this is their space where they get to make some of the rules.

There are only three things we ask in the auditorium, of both teachers and pupils: No photos, no phones, no food.

What happens after the show?
We love to hear what pupils and teachers thought about the shows – please do fill out our quick post-show surveys (we’ll email it to you), and feel free to send us feedback by emailing or phone (020 7645 0544).

We have pupils with access needs, who do I tell?
Please inform the box office as soon as possible if any of your group requires additional assistance, such as wheelchair accessible seating or sound amplification headsets. We also run specific access performances throughout the year - see our access webpage for more information.

I’m a home educator, how do I book?
Please contact our schools officer Chana on or contact Box Office 020 7645 0560 / for more information and to book - Mention you’re a home educator in your email!
Tickets are £11.50 per person and we offer 1 adult free per 10 children booked.

Contact us and keep in touch

Contact our Schools Officer Chana at / 020 7645 0544 with any questions about our schools programme or to make a booking.

Sign up to our schools newsletter to receive regular updates about our latest shows, offers and news for teachers.

You can also follow and tweet us at @unicorn_theatre.